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Town hall passage in Koblenz catches fire

The cladding of the Rathauspassage in Koblenz catches fire during the night for as yet unexplained reasons. The extinguishing work continues until the early morning.

There was a fire in the Rathauspassage in Koblenz during the night (symbolic image).
There was a fire in the Rathauspassage in Koblenz during the night (symbolic image).

Fire - Town hall passage in Koblenz catches fire

In the night of Wednesday, an unexplained cause led to a fire in the Rathauspassage in Koblenz. According to police statements, not only the exterior cladding was damaged, but several machines standing in the passage were also affected. The residents of the apartment above the passage were able to leave the building in time. Initial estimates put the damage in the five-figure range. The firefighting efforts were completed early in the morning.

The fire in Koblenz's Rathauspassage, a prominent location in Rhineland-Palatinate, necessitated the relocation of affected businesses temporarily due to the extensive damage caused by the incident. Despite the efforts of the local fire department, multiple nearby buildings in Koblenz were put on alert due to the spreading smoke and fear of potential fires.

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