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Tourism: Almost 1.8 million overnight stays in the Spreewald

Autumn atmosphere at a stream in front of the Radduscher Buschmühle in the
Autumn atmosphere at a stream in front of the Radduscher Buschmühle in the

Tourism: Almost 1.8 million overnight stays in the Spreewald

More and more people are visiting Brandenburg. As reported by the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office on Friday, 11.5 million overnight stays were recorded in the first three quarters of 2023. This is almost six percent more than in the same period last year and a good two percent more than in 2019, exceeding the number of overnight stays in the pre-corona year 2019.

On average, guests stayed in Brandenburg for two to three days between January and September 2023. According to the Office for Statistics, the majority of tourists (3.8 million) came from Germany. Around 368,000 visitors came from abroad.

The most popular destination for tourists was the Spreewald. According to the figures, 1.8 million overnight stays were recorded in the travel region in the first three quarters. The Spreewald was followed by the Oder-Spree Lake District, the Ruppin Lake District, the city of Potsdam and the Dahme Lake District. With almost 15 percent more overnight stays, the increase compared to the same period in 2022 was highest in the Dahme-Seenland travel region.

The increase in tourism in Brandenburg continues, with the Spreewald being the most popular destination, boasting nearly 1.8 million overnight stays. Analyzing tourism statistics, we see that nearly two-thirds of these stays are from domestic travelers, with about 368,000 from abroad.

In relation to the country's overall tourism statistics, the Spreewald's growth in tourism can be seen as a substantial part of the overall 11.5 million overnight stays in Brandenburg in the first three quarters of 2023.




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