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Tour continues with ski jumping qualification in Garmisch

The ski jumping Four Hills Tournament continues on the large Olympic hill in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. On New Year's Eve (13:45/ZDF and Eurosport), tour leader Andreas Wellinger will be competing for qualification in the last jump of 2023. Wellinger won the opening competition in Oberstdorf on...

Stefan Kraft from Austria is delighted with his third place at the award ceremony.
Stefan Kraft from Austria is delighted with his third place at the award ceremony.

Ski jumping - Tour continues with ski jumping qualification in Garmisch

The ski jumping Four Hills Tournament continues on the large Olympic hill in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. On New Year's Eve (13:45/ZDF and Eurosport), tour leader Andreas Wellinger will be competing for qualification in the last jump of 2023. Wellinger won the opening competition in Oberstdorf on Friday, raising hopes of the first German overall victory since 2002.

His strongest opponents are Japan's Ryoyu Kobayashi and Austria's top favorite Stefan Kraft. Kraft has repeatedly had problems with the hill in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in recent years.

Information on the Four Hills Tournament Results Four Hills Tournament The overall World Cup standings News on ski jumping from the German Ski Association

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