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The shadow of a ballpoint pen can be seen on an asylum
The shadow of a ballpoint pen can be seen on an asylum

Tough negotiations: Heads of state interrupt talks

The tough negotiations between the federal states regarding the financing of refugee costs and the reduction in the number of asylum seekers have been interrupted at short notice. This was reported by Deutsche Presse-Agentur on Monday afternoon by various participants.

It was therefore initially unclear what the further timetable for the Minister Presidents' Conference would look like. Following the meeting, the heads of the federal states want to meet with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in the Chancellery. This meeting was originally scheduled to begin at 3.00 pm. The Chancellery was informed that the start would have to be postponed to an unspecified time.

At the conference, which has been eagerly awaited for weeks, the federal and state governments want to discuss more than just a tougher migration policy. The agenda also includes topics such as the further financing of the Deutschlandticket, the acceleration of planning and approval procedures and hospital reform.

The federal states are entering negotiations with the federal government on the subject of migration with high financial expectations and the demand for permanent regulations. They accuse the federal government of wanting to reduce its share from 3.75 billion euros this year to 1.25 billion euros next year, which is unacceptable. In a resolution in mid-October, the federal states had demanded a lump sum of 1.25 billion euros and at least 10,500 euros per migrant.

The federal states led by the CDU, CSU and Greens had spoken out in favor of carrying out asylum procedures outside of Europe before the round with the SPD-led states, as the German Press Agency learned from negotiating circles. It was initially unclear whether asylum seekers should be returned from Germany to these countries or whether they should be able to apply for protection there before entering Germany.

The interruption in negotiations about refugee financing and asylum seeker reduction has left the federal states and Chancellor Scholz with an uncertain meeting schedule. Despite this, they still plan to discuss migration, Germanyticket financing, and hospital reform at the Minister Presidents' Conference.

The tension between the federal states and the federal government persists, as the states demand permanent regulations and a substantial share in financing migration, opposed to the federal government's proposed reduction in funding.


