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Toppmöller angry about Koch injury after offside

Since the introduction of video evidence, referees have been happy to allow play to continue in offside situations in order to preserve the possibility of a video check. Robin Koch was injured in the process of all things.

Frankfurt coach Dino Toppmöller before the start of the match.
Frankfurt coach Dino Toppmöller before the start of the match.

Bundesliga match - Toppmöller angry about Koch injury after offside

The injury to his defender Robin Koch during a save after a clear offside position has angered coach Dino Toppmöller of Bundesliga club Eintracht Frankfurt. Referee Christian Dingert and his team had allowed play to continue in the scene in question in the game at Bayer Leverkusen to be on the safe side, although the Leverkusen offside position was quite obvious. Koch was injured in the ultimately unnecessary save.

"It's annoying for any coach when you have a clear offside position and a player has to defend 30 meters back. Because you run the risk of someone getting injured. And that's exactly what unfortunately happened," said Toppmöller after the 3-0 defeat at the league leaders: "I can't understand that. I can understand it when it's close. But if it's two or three meters, I don't understand why no flag is raised." National defender Koch has problems with his heel and Achilles tendon. "It would be very bitter for us if he couldn't take part in the last game because of a scene like that," said the coach.

As a rule, the referees should not interrupt the game and let the scene play out so that it can be checked afterwards by video evidence if necessary.

Information on the match at

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