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Top choice Krah: AfD outcome "wonderful" - in spite of "defamation campaigns"

Maximilian Krah, AfD's main candidate for the European elections that led to the party's successful performance, praised the feat contending that it was "wonderful." He expressed his excitement about the fresh prospects emerging for nationalist politics despite being hampered by negative...

Maximilian Krah at a performance in Dresden
Maximilian Krah at a performance in Dresden

Top choice Krah: AfD outcome "wonderful" - in spite of "defamation campaigns"

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) made its best performance in European elections, garnering an estimated 16% of the vote and increasing its representation in the new EU parliament. A key member of the AfD included Krah. Krah was proud of the party's success among younger voters and first-timers. He declared, "[This is] exactly where I wanted to go, and it's only the beginning." The AfD tied with the Union for being the most popular choice among individuals aged under 24 years old.

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