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Too expensive? Fewer rental Santas on the road

If neither grandpa nor the neighbor wants to slip into the Santa Claus costume for the children on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus actors can also be booked. However, there are fewer agents and prices have risen in some cases.

Christmas - Too expensive? Fewer rental Santas on the road

Christmas is coming and with it the question of who will bring the presents on Christmas Eve. But fewer and fewer Santa Claus actors are on the job. "Booking behavior is subdued," says Petra Henkert from the Zeuthen Christmas Office in Brandenburg. Demand is not at the same level as before the coronavirus pandemic. In the Covid years, there was a decline due to contact restrictions. Only a few employment agencies across Germany, such as the authority in Bremen, still have Santa Claus performers on their register.

One possible cause could be the increased prices for Santa Claus appearances. The background to this is higher costs for the performers, for example for the gasoline for the journey. The standard price for a performance is now 85 euros, which is "simply too much" for some families, says Henkert, who runs her Christmas office near Berlin as the "Christmas fairy Dezembersonne". The 61-year-old started her agency in 2000. According to Henkert, families had to pay around 30 euros for a Santa Claus appearance back then; today, some agencies can charge up to 250 euros.

For years, students were also employed as Santa Clauses and Santas, arranged by the student unions. But there were fewer and fewer every year. In 2019, only three of the 57 Studierendenwerke nationwide still provided Santas. The Deutsches Studierendenwerk does not know whether all of them have since dropped out.

Good Santas are rare, says Willi Dahmen from Celle. He has been on the road as Santa Claus for more than 30 years. This year he is fully booked, reports the 71-year-old with the impressive white beard. Dahmen has over 60 performers on his books, which he places throughout Germany.

Dahmen also offers an annual training course for the next generation of actors. In October, around 20 candidates came to Celle. One young Santa from Ratzeburg in Schleswig-Holstein performed so well in one of his first appearances this year that he has already been booked for 2024. "I'm delighted to have found someone who puts their heart and soul into it," enthuses Dahmen.

He works according to Santa's code of honor. Petra Henkert and other agencies adopted this code more than ten years ago in Berlin. According to this code, Santa Claus is patient and calm and creates a nice atmosphere. He never swears, does not smoke in his costume and is always correctly dressed. For Dahmen, it is also important to preserve Christmas traditions: "That's why I also demand that songs have to be sung and poems recited."

For a long time, angels and Santas could also be booked through employment agencies, but during the coronavirus pandemic, business took a turn for the worse. The Hanover employment agency pulled out completely. The reason was the shortage of skilled workers. "Our Santas were severely restricted during the coronavirus period and still are - due to their age. So they can't visit families," says an agency spokesperson. There have also been no new serious applications.

At the Bremen employment agency, on the other hand, placement is still ongoing and has been for more than 40 years. But here, too, there is a lack of new recruits. The agency therefore launched an appeal in October. A total of five more performers were sought for the 100 or so tours planned in Germany's smallest federal state. They were to support the 15 existing Bremen Santas, according to a spokeswoman. They are there "every year and with enthusiasm".

Website Santa Claus from Celle Website Christmas Office Zeuthen

Read also:

  1. Despite the turn of the year approaching, fewer people are booking Santa Claus actors for Christmas Eve, citing high costs as a major factor.
  2. Families in Berlin and beyond are finding it challenging to afford the standard 85 euro price for a Santa Claus appearance, a significant increase from the 30 euro fee charged back in 2000.
  3. Willi Dahmen from Celle, a veteran Santa Claus performer, manages to stay fully booked for the holiday season with his roster of over 60 actors.
  4. Dahmen's training program in Celle has produced a promising young Santa from Ratzeburg in Schleswig-Holstein, who has already secured bookings for 2024 due to his dedication and enthusiasm.
  5. In addition to his strict code of honor, Dahmen insists on proper singing and recitation of poems as part of the traditional Santa Claus experience.
  6. The Hanover employment agency ceased offering angel and Santa Claus services during the coronavirus pandemic due to a shortage of skilled workers, with no serious applicants since.
  7. In response to these challenges, the Bremen employment agency initiated an appeal in October to recruit five additional performers to support their existing team of 15 Santas during the holiday season.
  8. As Germany celebrates the start of a new year, many families are re-evaluating their budgets and considerations for holiday traditions, including the involvement of rental Santas.
  9. Despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Santa Claus industry in Hanover, the Christmas Office Zeuthen near Berlin continues to provide festive cheer, adhering to their codes of honor and tradition.


