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Tobacco-free nicotine pouch users may experience significant addiction.

Prohibited in Germany

Tobacco-free nicotine pouches are also known as pouches.
Tobacco-free nicotine pouches are also known as pouches.

Tobacco-free nicotine pouch users may experience significant addiction.

For a few years now, nicotine pouches have made their presence known on the market. These products are marketed as discreet and fast ways to absorb nicotine. However, a team of researchers tested these products on smokers and found some concerning results.

Nicotine pouches, as per the study, can release a significant amount of nicotine. While this may be illegal in Germany, their advertising on social media has made them popular among young people. The experts from the Tobacco Outpatient Clinic at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, along with the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), investigated how much nicotine these products actually release and the impact on the human body.

Nicotine pouches, as per the BfR, comprise a powder made up of nicotine salts and carriers. These are advertised as inconspicuous and can be used anywhere, making them more accessible, according to the researchers.

More nicotine than in cigarettes?

In a study published in the journal "Frontiers in Pharmacology", the researchers tested pouches from various brands with declared nicotine contents of 6, 20, and 30 milligrams on 15 smokers. The researchers found that these products can release large amounts of nicotine - in some cases even more than that found in cigarettes.

Head of the LMU Tobacco Outpatient Clinic, Tobias Rüther, pointed out that a high addiction potential should be assumed with these nicotine pouches. "Just like cigarettes, pouches with 20 and 30 milligrams of nicotine had effects on the heart and circulation, such as an increased heartbeat," he said. Additionally, all pouches caused mouth irritation.

The addiction potential could become a significant issue, added co-author Andrea Rabenstein. "It is believed that the legally available nicotine pouches from neighboring countries, like Austria, are already widespread," she explained: "Not only is the development of addiction to nicotine a concern, but the transition to other nicotine products or tobacco cigarettes is also expected."

Read more: van-rigtjes

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