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Tire from trailer comes loose, harming seven cars.

A tire detaches from a trailer on the freeway, prompting multiple drivers to disregard the pieces left behind, as reported by the police.

A blue light shines on a police patrol.
A blue light shines on a police patrol.

In the Palatinate region, there's a town called Landau. - Tire from trailer comes loose, harming seven cars.

On the A65 motorway in Landau, seven vehicles were impacted by an incident at night on Thursday. The police reported on Thursday morning that a tire had come loose from a trailer's wheel during travel. Five cars, including a touring bus, drove over the remnants of the tire on the road. Two out of the five cars had to be towed, whereas the remaining vehicles were able to continue driving with their damage. Thankfully, there were no injuries. It is believed that a technical issue could have caused the tire to detach.

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