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TikTok Users SeekassistanceforFrozen Jell-O Grapes

Certain TikTok culinary tricks deserve a chance, while others might need a bit of enhancement.

TikTok's Frozen Jell-O Grapes Need Help
TikTok's Frozen Jell-O Grapes Need Help

TikTok Users SeekassistanceforFrozen Jell-O Grapes

Once again, TikTok has brought us a weird food concept that is both unsettling and fascinating. You might've come across frozen Jell-O grapes before, but I only discovered them last week. To be honest, I was intrigued enough to give them a shot. While some TikTok food hacks are incredible (ramen carbonara is awesome, and crookies are pretty darn delicious), you can't always rely on the app.

Frozen Jell-O grapes. They're just not good. Here's how to make them better.

What are frozen Jell-O grapes?

Now, let's be clear - I'm not here to diss the fruit itself, but the process and the taste? Not great. Frozen Jell-O grapes involve taking fresh grapes, dipping them in water, rolling them in straight-up powdered Jell-O, and freezing them solid. You're supposed to enjoy these frozen treats like a candy. The issue is the effort you have to put in just to make a good fruit taste bad. Most recipes online will tell you to remove the grapes from the stem, rinse them, and then, one-by-one, insert a toothpick into each grape to roll it around in Jell-O powder. That's a waste of time. (Here's how to make the process easier and faster.)

$9.66at Amazon

After dusting them with the Jell-O powder and giving them a few hours in the freezer, the grapes are supposed to taste like cold candy. I expected the Jell-O abs to change or become chewy, like gummies. Nope, it tastes like you're eating Jell-O powder, and when undiluted, powdered gelatin's flavor is way stronger than the artificial strawberry flavoring.

Souring up Sour Patch KidsCredit: Make them sour

A small dip in citric acid goes a long way.Credit: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann

So, I was stuck with a bunch of frozen organic grapes covered in red powdery sadness, but there was no way I could let them go to waste. The only solution I could think of was to make them sour. Artificial berry flavor often has a sour kick, just like dry fruits, in candies. So, why not go all in? Unfortunately, I didn't have any citric acid on hand, so I went with the adult solution: I bought a share-size pack of Sour Patch Kids. I sieved out the loose powdered acids and sugar. Then, I dipped the frozen grapes in the tangy dust, and ta-da! They were better. The gelatin's flavor was significantly diminished, and the grapes were fun to snack on due to their tartness.

I'll never make these again, but if you absolutely must try frozen Jell-O grapes, keep these tips in mind:

  • Keep them on the stem. There's no need to dip each grape individually. Pour half the packet of Jell-O into a wide bowl. Remove stems and rinse the grapes - you could even dip them in a bowl of water. Without shaking off the excess water, put the bunch of grapes in the bowl of powder and sprinkle the remaining half of the packet over the top, tilting the bunch to cover all sides. Place the whole bunch on a parchment-lined baking sheet and pop them in the freezer. When it's time to eat, just pull them off the stem.
  • A little bit of citric acid goes a long way. You can snag a pack of citric acid or, like me, use the excess that gathers at the bottom of a sour candy bag. Set the citric acid in a side bowl while you chow down. After your grapes have frozen, dip the grape you're about to eat in the powder before enjoying it. If you're a fan of regular Jell-O grapes, you'll still appreciate the sour kick.
  • Try a different liquid. Besides washing the grapes and helping the powder absorb, the water isn't necessary. You can add flavor by using any beverage you fancy. Apple juice, lemon juice, Gatorade, or even Diet Coke would befun. Just a splash will remain, but you might enjoy the extra hint of flavor.
TikTok's Frozen Jell-O Grapes Need Help
TikTok's Frozen Jell-O Grapes Need Help
TikTok's Frozen Jell-O Grapes Need Help

Read also:

TikTok users continue to explore unique food trends, such as frozen Jell-O grapes, using various fruit and food-drink combinations. For instance, dipping the frozen grapes in citric acid powder can add a sour twist to the sweet and tangy treat.

If the taste of the frozen Jell-O grapes isn't appealing, you can also transform them into a refreshing adult beverage by soaking them in your favorite alcoholic drink. This will combine the fun of trying a food trend with the enjoyment of a delicious cocktail.



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