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Tiefensee: 35 million euros at risk for projects

According to Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, millions of euros are at stake for funding projects in Thuringia due to the federal budget freeze. "If it remains the case that the federal government does not release GRW funds already allocated to the federal states, projects worth 35...

Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD).
Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD).

Household - Tiefensee: 35 million euros at risk for projects

According to Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, millions of euros are at stake for funding projects in Thuringia due to the federal budget freeze. "If it remains the case that the federal government does not release GRW funds already allocated to the federal states, projects worth 35 million euros that are ready for approval cannot be initiated in Thuringia alone," the SPD politician announced on Thursday. The abbreviation GRW stands for the joint task "Improvement of the regional economic structure". According to the Ministry of Economics, this is the most important investment promotion program of the federal states.

According to Tiefensee's estimates, projects worth up to 200 million euros could be affected nationwide. "In the current overall economic situation in Germany and Europe, this is the completely wrong signal," criticized the Minister. "We need the green light by the beginning of next week at the latest in order to be able to use the funding this year and thus fully utilize our GRW approval framework of 120 million euros."

Following a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, the Federal Ministry of Finance had imposed a budget freeze, according to which no new financial commitments may currently be made that are linked to payments for the years from 2024 onwards.

Read also:

  1. The budget freeze imposed by the Federal Ministry of Finance affects not only Thuringia, as announced by Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, but could potentially impact projects worth up to 200 million euros nationwide.
  2. The BMWi (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) has allocated GRW funds to the federal states for investment promotion programs, but due to the budget freeze, these funds cannot be utilized in Thuringia, putting projects worth 35 million euros at risk.
  3. In response to the budget freeze, Thuringia's SPD politician Wolfgang Tiefensee has called for the federal government to release the GRW funds, citing the current economic situation and the need to fully utilize their GRW approval framework of 120 million euros.
  4. The budget freeze has also affected the housing sector in Thuringia, as projects requiring funding for household improvements may not be initiated due to the lack of GRW funds, as highlighted by Economics Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee.




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