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Tickets for local public transport in Lower Saxony will become more expensive

If you want to travel by bus or train in Lower Saxony and Bremen, you will have to pay more in the new year. However, the price of some tickets will remain stable for the time being.

A streetcar stops at the "Fiedelerstraße" light rail stop in the Döhren district.
A streetcar stops at the "Fiedelerstraße" light rail stop in the Döhren district.

Prices - Tickets for local public transport in Lower Saxony will become more expensive

Passengers in Lower Saxony can expect higher prices on local public transport in many places in the new year. Several transport providers told Deutsche Presse-Agentur that they will be increasing prices from January 1, 2024. The reasons given for this include higher personnel and energy costs. However, no price increase is expected for the Deutschlandticket, at least in the first few months of the new year.

Hanover: Greater Hanover Transport (GVH) is increasing its prices by an average of seven percent from January 1, according to a spokesperson. The price for a short trip will rise by 10 cents and will then be 1.80 euros. A one-way ticket will then cost 3.40 euros instead of 3.20 euros. A day ticket will be 40 cents more expensive and will cost 6.80 euros from January. According to the GVH, ticket prices for children will not increase. A single journey will continue to cost 1.30 euros and a day ticket 2.60 euros.

Braunschweig: On January 1, ticket prices in the Braunschweig Region Transport Association area will rise by an average of around 6 percent. According to the transport association, the prices for a single journey will rise by between 20 cents in the city tariff and 70 cents in other price levels.

Bremen: Prices will also rise in the Bremen/Lower Saxony transport association (VBN) on January 1 - consumers will have to pay an average of 4.7 percent more. According to the association, a single journey in Bremen will be 15 cents more expensive and will then cost 3 euros. In Bremerhaven, a one-way ticket will cost 20 cents more - 2.70 euros. A day ticket will then cost 8.50 euros instead of 8 euros in Bremen and 7.60 euros instead of 7 euros in Bremerhaven.

Deutschlandticket: Users of the Deutschlandticket do not have to expect higher costs, at least in the first few months of the new year. Lower Saxony's Transport Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) had said that the price would remain at 49 euros per month until the end of the first year of the ticket, i.e. until the end of April. It is not yet known whether the ticket will become more expensive after that.

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