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THW head sees flood helpers well positioned

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) in Lower Saxony has not yet had any staffing problems despite the ongoing flooding. "Of course, we can always use more helpers, but basically we are in a good position," Daniel Jungnick, head of the THW coordination staff Bremen/Lower Saxony, told...

Volunteers from the THW and DLRG working on a dyke next to the access road to the Serengeti
Volunteers from the THW and DLRG working on a dyke next to the access road to the Serengeti Park.

Storm - THW head sees flood helpers well positioned

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) in Lower Saxony has not had any staffing problems so far despite the ongoing flooding. "Of course, we can always use more helpers, but basically we are in a good position," Daniel Jungnick, head of the THW coordination staff in Bremen/Lower Saxony, told NDR on Saturday.

Many employers reacted to the emergency situation and released volunteers from their jobs so that they were ready for action. On the one hand, the public holidays were a stroke of luck because many helpers had time off in their actual jobs. On the other hand, however, many people are also away and are not available so quickly.

"The flood situation is increasingly developing downstream," said Jungnick. The areas most affected are the districts of Celle, Heidekreis, Verden, Emsland and the area around Oldenburg. Dykes are softening in the affected areas and need to be reinforced by the THW.

NDR interview

Read also:

  1. Despite the bad weather in Hanover, the THW personnel from Bremen and Lower Saxony have been working tirelessly to reinforce softening dykes, as revealed in an NDR interview with Daniel Jungnick.
  2. The ongoing flooding in Lower Saxony has not led to any significant personnel problems for the THW, according to Jungnick, but they are always in need of more volunteers to manage the situation effectively.
  3. The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) has been actively involved in the affected districts of Celle, Heidekreis, Verden, Emsland, and the area around Oldenburg, where dykes are experiencing significant stress due to the flood situation.
  4. Due to the ongoing flooding and the public holidays, some areas have seen a shortage of personnel with many volunteers being unavailable, which has added to the complexities faced by the THW in their flood relief efforts.


