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Thuringia CDU leader calls Höcke a divider and Greens a problem

Final stretch of election campaign in Thuringia: CDU's top candidate Mario Voigt takes aim at AfD and Greens. However, strong competition also comes from BSW, to whom Voigt signals willingness to talk - and limits.}

CDU politician Mario Voigt wants to become Minister President of Thuringia and overtake AfD....
CDU politician Mario Voigt wants to become Minister President of Thuringia and overtake AfD. However, according to polls, the gap is still large.

- Thuringia CDU leader calls Höcke a divider and Greens a problem

Thuringia's CDU top candidate Mario Voigt sees chances for his party in the fight against the AfD and simultaneously criticizes the Greens. "The Greens are a real problem for our country," said Voigt in RTL/ntv's Early Start. The politics of the Greens in Berlin or Erfurt are not his approach. Telling people how they should eat or heat is nerve-wracking for citizens. "That's why the Greens in government are simply misplaced."

On the AfD, Voigt said that its state chairman Björn Höcke is a threat to the economic location of Thuringia. It is clear that there will be no coalition with the AfD for the CDU.

Höcke's societal political ideas also do not match "our worldview," he said. "He is a divider for our country and therefore should not be given any responsibility." When asked if he still sees chances that the CDU could catch up with the AfD, Voigt said: "I believe it is possible."

Voigt is open to sitting down with BSW top candidate Katja Wolf

The AfD has been leading in polls in Thuringia for months with values around 30 percent. The CDU is stuck at values between 21 and 23 percent in second place. However, Voigt is feeling the heat from the new Wagenknecht party BSW and its Thuringian top candidate Katja Wolf. Since no other party wants to form a coalition with the AfD, both are hoping for the position of Minister President.

In the RTL-ntv Early Start, the CDU politician said that he is "open to sitting down with Mrs. Wolf to discuss Thuringian problems and solutions." For him, the key is to tackle Thuringian issues.

"That means politically that I cannot accept any party that interferes from the outside in our affairs," said Voigt, referring to statements by BSW party founder Sahra Wagenknecht. The former Left party member had recently made positions on the topic of war and peace a condition for coalitions even on the state level.

The CDU in Thuringia, led by Mario Voigt, is contending with the AfD's dominance in the region, with polls showing the AfD leading with values around 30%. Voigt is also facing competition from the BSW, led by Katja Wolf, which is gaining ground with values between 21 and 23%. Regarding the Landtag, Voigt mentioned his openness to meeting with Wolf to discuss Thuringian issues, stating that he cannot accept any party that interferes from outside in their affairs.

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