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Thunderstorms, heavy rain and sweltering heat in Bavaria

Heat, squalls and heavy thunderstorms - the weather outlook for Bavaria is not very promising. There could even be storms in some places.

Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.
Lightning discharges during a thunderstorm.

Storm - Thunderstorms, heavy rain and sweltering heat in Bavaria

The summer remains unpredictable. Heavy heat, severe thunderstorms, heavy rain, and hail are expected by the German Weather Service (DWD) for Bavaria in the coming days. Parts of the region may experience extremely heavy rainfall in short periods, up to 50 liters of water per square meter, according to the DWD on Wednesday. The focus for unsettled weather development is in the Alpine foothills and to the north.

Similarly, Friday and the weekend will see similar conditions. A meteorologist spoke of a stormy situation and showery rain. Particularly on Saturday, it could get very hot, up to 33 degrees, especially in Lower Bavaria. Whether football fans can enjoy the Achtelfinal match between Germany and Denmark on Saturday at the public viewing in the open air is still uncertain. According to weather experts, the thunderstorms may only move over Bavaria at night.

There were reports of scattered thunderstorms in the night and on Wednesday morning. In Untrasried in Eastern Allgau, according to the Integrated Control Room, some cellars were flooded due to heavy rain. Already the evening before, in southwestern Bavaria around Mittenwald and Krün, water had entered houses and some streets were flooded.

A similar situation was reported over the border in Baden-Württemberg. As a spokeswoman for the police stated, it had rained and thundered heavily for two hours in the Ravensburg region on Wednesday morning. She did not provide precise damage information at first.

Weather forecast for Bavaria

  1. Despite the unpredictable summer weather in Bavaria, the DWD predicts stormy conditions and showery rain throughout Friday and the weekend, with temperatures potentially reaching 33 degrees on Saturday, especially in Lower Bavaria.
  2. The heavy thunderstorms anticipated may move over Bavaria more during the night, raising concerns for the open-air public viewing of the Achtelfinal match between Germany and Denmark on Saturday in Munich.
  3. Just as in the previous days, reports of scattered thunderstorms in Bavaria have been recalled, causing flooding in cellars in Untrasried in Eastern Allgau and entered houses in southwestern Bavaria around Mittenwald and Krün.
  4. Similarly, areas across the border in Baden-Württemberg have experienced intense rainfall and thunderstorms, such as the Ravensburg region, where after two hours, it heavily rained and thundered, causing undetermined damage as of yet.

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