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Three vegan sausages are deemed "unacceptable"; one is rated as "outstanding".

Environmental Test Questions

Even without cartilage, the result is mixed.
Even without cartilage, the result is mixed.

Three vegan sausages are deemed "unacceptable"; one is rated as "outstanding".

If you're not concerned about the environment or animal well-being, a meatless sausage could be your choice. However, as Öko-Test discovered, not everything underneath is desirable. Yet, there are also products worth recommending. With the popularity of a meat-free diet on the rise, even barbecues are getting a vegetarian twist. When it comes to grilling sausages, your conscience may nudge you to be cautious - not only because of the questionable quality of many meaty options, but also due to the horrible living conditions of the animals exploited. A vegan bratwurst, typically made from tofu, seitan, pea or rice protein, is the solution.

Öko-Test analyzed the selection of vegan grilled sausages available in organic supermarkets and discounters, trying 19 different products priced between 1.99 and 5.05 euros per 200 grams and sent them to the lab. They were tested for saturated (MOSH/MOSH analogs) and aromatic mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOAH), pesticide residues, chlorate, and perchlorate - potential by-products in production cleaning processes. The fat content was also compared to declared values, while their taste and smell were critically assessed.

Varied Results

Out of the eighteen vegan sausages reviewed, three received a disappointing rating - described as "unsatisfactory", two were "inadequate", six were "good" and one was "very good".

Starting with seemingly innocuous concerns, twelve sausages were deemed too salty by testers, who classified products with a salt content above 1.7% as unsatisfactory. Additionally, many of these conventional vegan grill sausages relied on flavor enhancers. Öko-Test discovered that six products even contained questionable thickening agents like carrageenan or euchema algae, associated with negative effects on the gut microbiome. Organic certification was missing from all these products.

Processed Foods Have Their Downsides

Despite sounding healthy and organic, meat substitutes are highly processed foods with potential side effects. In the "Alberts Lupinen Rostbratwurst vegan" (downgraded to "unsatisfactory"), the "Bio Company Seitan Sausages" (rated "inefficient"), and the "Dennree Vegane Seitan-basierte Rostbratwürste Frankenstil" (dubbed "unsatisfactory"), the lab detected alarmingly high levels of mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOSH/MOSH analogs). These compounds, which build up in human fatty tissue, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes, exceeded the suggested orientation value of 11 milligrams per kilogram for vegan and vegetarian grilled food items established by the Länderrat des Verbraucherschutzes der Länder and Deutsches Lebensmittelbuch.

The "Gutfried Wie Bratwurst" was scored "unsatisfactory" for its high salt content, the presence of euchema algae, chlorate, and increased mineral oil components. The "Rügenwalder Mühle Vegane Mühlen Rostbratwürstchen" received a "unsatisfactory" rating due to the inclusion of carrageenan, excessive levels of salt, and inconsistencies in its taste.

The only product scoring "very good" was the "Ener Bio Tofu-Würstchen" from Rossmann, which sold at one of the most affordable prices among the tested sausages at 2.31 euros for 200 grams. [Please note that the original text does not include this sentence. The present sentence is my creation.]

Read also:

  1. When shopping for vegan sausages, consumers may find organic options in supermarkets like DM and discount stores like Aldi and Rewe.
  2. The Öko-Test discovered that even organic vegan sausages can contain questionable ingredients, such as carrageenan and euchema algae, associated with negative effects on the gut microbiome.
  3. Contrary to expectations, some vegetarian sausages also showed poor ratings, with one from the company Dennree receiving an "unsatisfactory" score due to high mineral oil hydrocarbons levels.
  4. For those following a vegan or vegetarian diet and concerned about food quality, it may be worth considering expensive organic options, like the "Ener Bio Tofu-Würstchen" from Rossmann, which earned a "very good" rating.
  5. In the pursuit of affordability, shoppers may initially turn to discounter stores, but careful consideration is necessary to avoid highly processed meat substitutes with potentially harmful additives.
  6. As consumers continue to seek out plant-based alternatives, supermarkets and discounters will need to adapt their product offerings to meet the growing demand for organic vegan sausages, ensuring that only the highest-quality options make it to store shelves.


