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Three Steps: Self-Help for Panic Attacks

encounter fear

Panic attacks can occur suddenly and unexpectedly: Focused breathing and movement can help in...
Panic attacks can occur suddenly and unexpectedly: Focused breathing and movement can help in gaining control of the symptoms, and dissipating accumulated energy.

Three Steps: Self-Help for Panic Attacks

Anxiety attacks, shortness of breath, pounding heart - a panic attack is not life-threatening, but painful. With these SOS tips, you can effectively cope with anxiety.

A panic attack can strike anyone. The trigger may be insignificant, but the body sends a signal: Danger is imminent. Steffen Haefner, Medical Director of the Clinic am Schönen Moos, recommends the following three steps in the acute situation of a panic attack.

1. Controlled breathing

When an attack occurs, breathe according to the 4-7-8 method. "Breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of four," explains the psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy specialist. "Then hold your breath for a count of seven. Finally, exhale through your mouth for a count of eight." Repeating this several times helps the nervous system to calm down.

2. Change your thoughts

Anxiety does not disappear by denying it. Instead, focusing on harmless things, such as any objects in the room, can help. "If other people are present, an encouraging conversation can help," says Steffen Haefner.

The stop method also often works: Imagine a red stop sign or say it out loud. This takes you out of the thought carousel. The psyche calms down, and the anxiety subsides.

3. Move

A panic attack releases large amounts of energy suddenly as a stress reaction. Therefore, trembling, sweating, and a racing heart. This energy gets stuck because it doesn't serve a purpose in the current situation. Movement helps.

"For example, running in place or doing jumping jacks," says the doctor. Those who do not want to attract attention in public can also consciously ball and unball their fists and toes. This helps the body to relax gradually.

Preventive Tips

And what helps to prevent such attacks from occurring in the first place? Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine aggravate anxiety states - those who have frequent attacks should therefore try to avoid them as much as possible. Sufficient sleep and rest are a good foundation for preventing attacks. However, general stress cannot always be avoided.

Anyone who frequently suffers from anxiety attacks should therefore consult their family doctor or general practitioner. Anxiety disorders are effectively treatable today, says the psychotherapist, and thus the chances of overcoming them in the long term are good.

  1. Understanding the impact of anxiety on children, parents might want to learn about the 4-7-8 breathing method as a GUIDE to help manage their children's anxiety attacks.
  2. Consumers seeking to improve their mental health can incorporate the stop method into their daily routine, which involves visualizing or verbally saying a stop sign to break the cycle of negative thoughts associated with depression and anxiety.
  3. Regularly engaging in physical activities, such as running in place or consciously balling and unballing fists and toes, can be beneficial for individuals prone to panic attacks as a proactive approach to managing Health and preventing future incidents.
  4. In the context of family dynamics, discussing mental health openly with family members and encouraging one another to seek help from mental health professionals when necessary can contribute to promoting an overall sense of well-being and reducing the stigma associated with diseases like depression and anxiety.

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