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Three people injured in fire at asylum seekers' accommodation

Three people have been injured in a fire in accommodation for asylum seekers in Zwickau. A 27-year-old man was taken to hospital with smoke inhalation, according to the police. He is suspected of having set fire to his mattress. Another 29-year-old and a 58-year-old were treated as outpatients.

An ambulance drives over a highway.
An ambulance drives over a highway.

Zwickau - Three people injured in fire at asylum seekers' accommodation

Approximately 30 residents of the two-story building were evacuated to safety and moved to another building on the premises. The upper floor of the house is no longer inhabitable. The criminal police are investigating.

The evacuated residents were offered temporary accommodation within the premises due to the fires. The criminal police are also looking into potential arson as several asylum seekers reside in the building. The affected asylum seekers have been provided with accommodation in Zwickau, Saxony, for their safety and comfort.

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