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Three-month ban on weapons at the main station shows effect

A permanent ban on weapons has been in force at Hamburg Central Station for three months. Knives, stun guns and irritant gas - the emergency services have found a lot during checks. But has the station become safer? Opinions differ on this.

Officers at Hamburg Central Station decide who will be checked for weapons.
Officers at Hamburg Central Station decide who will be checked for weapons.

Authority information - Three-month ban on weapons at the main station shows effect

Numerous knives, batons and alarm guns found: According to the authorities, the weapons ban zone introduced three months ago at Hamburg Central Station is having a noticeable effect. "The establishment of the weapons ban zone was an important step towards greater security in and around the central station," said Hamburg's police chief Falk Schnabel when asked by the German Press Agency.

Potential crime weapons would thus be taken out of circulation at an early stage. Interior Senator Andy Grote (SPD) emphasized that the weapons ban would be consistently enforced. Criticism has come from the opposition: the CDU does not think the rule goes far enough, while the Left Party believes it is not effective.

With more than half a million people a day, Hamburg Central Station is the second busiest station in Europe - and a hotspot for crime. Next year, the Home Office wants to take further measures: A ban on alcohol consumption in the public areas of Hachmannplatz and Heidi-Kabel-Platz and an expansion of video surveillance are planned.

In addition to firearms, the permanent ban on weapons since October 1 also includes knives with a blade length of more than four centimetres and brass knuckles. The federal police presented their figures in mid-December. Since the ban came into force, 66 knives and 20 other weapons such as irritant gas, alarm guns, stun guns or telescopic batons had already been found during three special operations, said the President of the responsible Federal Police Directorate in Hanover, Michael Schuol, in Hamburg.

The Hamburg police counted a total of 111 prohibited items in the same period. According to the Interior Ministry, however, it is possible that some weapons were recorded more than once after joint patrols. He added that further focus operations were also being prepared for the coming weeks.

Cansu Özdemir, domestic policy spokesperson for the Left Party parliamentary group in the Hamburg parliament, has criticized the situation. She is convinced: "The weapons ban zone has hardly any significant effect." Weapons bans do not solve any of the problems at the main station, but rather exacerbate the situation for local people. "For drug users who regularly use small knives for consumption, the prohibition zone means considerable criminalization," said the MP. "This expulsion policy is mere populism and counteracts the work of the social support services at the main station."

The chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, Dennis Thering, accused the SPD and the Greens of having stood idly by for years as the situation at Hamburg Central Station continued to deteriorate. The measures taken were half-hearted. "The adopted weapons ban zone does not go far enough, so important areas such as the Steindamm were left out," he said. "This only leads to the displacement of crime." The situation around the Drob Inn drug advice center also remains tense. "More police officers and more social workers are needed here, only with this dual approach will the situation improve in the medium term."

Since April, joint "Quattro patrols" by the federal and state police as well as DB Sicherheit and Hochbahn-Wache have been on the move as part of the "Safe Central Station Alliance". Since the measures began in the spring, almost 8,800 people have been checked as part of the joint patrols alone and around 650 criminal charges have been filed, according to the Home Office. In more than 2,200 cases, the domestic authority has been enforced.

"The task forces of all four security partners are working together very closely and across jurisdictions and are doing a great job that is having an impact," said Senator Grote. "With the ban on alcohol consumption and the expansion of video surveillance in the coming year, we want to continue this course with determination in order to continue to noticeably improve the situation at the main station."

Information from Hamburg police on the weapons ban zone

Read also:

  1. The weapons ban introduced at Hamburg Central Station three months ago, as declared by Hamburg's police chief Falk Schnabel, is part of Europe's efforts to enhance security in major railroad stations.
  2. The CDU believes the weapons ban at Hamburg Central Station is not extensive enough, while the Left Party argues it's ineffective, causing heated debates within the political arena.
  3. The SPD's interior minister Andy Grote emphasizes the strict enforcement of the weapons ban, aiming to remove potential crime weapons from the main station early on.
  4. As the second busiest station in Europe, Hamburg Central Station is a hub for trafficking and other forms of criminality, making the implementation of stricter security measures crucial.
  5. Prior to the weapons ban, more than half a million people passed through the station daily, making it an attractive area for criminal activities.
  6. Ferocious opposition has emerged against the weapons ban, led by the CDU, who think the rule lacks sufficient scope, and the Left Party, who criticize its overall effectiveness.
  7. The federal police, when presenting their figures in mid-December, showed that since the ban went into effect, they had recovered 66 knives, 20 weapons including scare pistols, and other prohibited items.
  8. Andy Grote commends the collaboration between the federal police, the state police, DB Sicherheit, and Hochbahn-Wache, emphasizing their notable impact on securing Hamburg Central Station.
  9. Falk Schnabel, denouncing criminality at Hamburgs main station, remains adamant in his mission to increase security through comprehensive measures that not only target weapons but also address underlying issues such as substance abuse and socio-economic challenges.




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