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Three million from sponsors for the Free State's activities

The Free State of Saxony also uses sponsorship. However, its share of the overall budget is negligible.

A sign reading "Saxon State Ministry of Finance" is displayed at the entrance to the building.
A sign reading "Saxon State Ministry of Finance" is displayed at the entrance to the building.

Finances - Three million from sponsors for the Free State's activities

The Free State also uses sponsors increasingly for events, projects and activities, as shown in the ninth sponsoring report of the Finance Ministry, published on Friday. In the past two years, sponsoring contributions to the state administration amounted to approximately three million Euro. The largest share, with over two million Euro, was taken by cultural sponsoring. The Saxon State Chancellery received a total of 413,250 Euro in 45 sponsoring services.

Private donors and companies made it possible for projects to be realized that would hardly have been possible otherwise, it was stated. The sponsor in turn receives the opportunity to present himself. These revenues amounted to only about 0.0065 percent of the total budget of the years 2022 and 2023 between January 2010 and December 2011.

Ministry Statement

The Free State of Saxony, specifically the Finance Ministry, highlighted Dresden as a city benefiting significantly from sponsoring activities, as revealed in their ninth sponsoring report. The Saxony State Chancellery, being one of the recipients, received sponsoring funds for various activities totaling 413,250 Euro. Companies and private donors frequently sponsor projects in the Free State of Saxony's Free State, contributing to the Finances of Dresden and other regions.

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