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Three dairy cows fall into slurry pit: two are rescued

Three dairy cows have fallen into a slurry pit at a farm in Thedinghausen in the district of Verden. The animals broke through the slatted floor, as the municipal fire chief said on Wednesday. One of the animals died and two were rescued. Contractors pumped out the slurry, then firefighters and...

A blue light shines on the roof of a fire department vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a fire department vehicle.

Animals - Three dairy cows fall into slurry pit: two are rescued

Three dairy cows have fallen into a slurry pit at a farm in Thedinghausen in the district of Verden. The animals broke through the slatted floor, as the municipal fire chief said on Wednesday. One of the animals died and two were rescued. Contractors pumped out the slurry, then firefighters and other helpers removed the slatted floor and used large bales of straw to build a staircase for the cows. This allowed the two animals that were still alive to be brought to safety. It was initially unclear why the slatted floor broke. A slatted floor consists of beams that are arranged in such a way that the animals' droppings fall through the slats.

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