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Three casualties reported as Russian aerial attacks hit Kharkiv

In Saturday's attack on a residential building in Kharkiv, Ukraine, reports state a minimum of three lives were lost, with an additional 29 individuals sustaining injuries. As per Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko, the bombardment took place in the northeastern part of the country.

Military cemetery in Lviv
Military cemetery in Lviv

Three casualties reported as Russian aerial attacks hit Kharkiv

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shared on Telegram footage of a damaged residential building with a hole in its facade and a crater in front, indicating it was hit by guided bombs. The southern city of Charkiw, next to the Russian border, has experienced consistent shelling from Russia since the aggressive military action started. Since early May, the Russian military has initiated a ground offensive in the Charkiw region, capturing more territory.

In addition to bombarding Charkiw, Russia has resumed targeting Ukraine's energy infrastructure at night, as per the Ukrainian Energy Ministry. This marks the eighth major assault on power plants in the past three months. Two employees were injured at the power plant in Zaporizhzhia, according to Ukrenergo. Moreover, a fire broke out at a crucial power facility in the Lviv region, according to Regional Governor Maxym Kozytskyi.

The Russian Defense Ministry declared on Saturday that Russian troops conducted an attack on Ukrainian energy facilities designed to supply weapon production. They also shelled warehouses where Western-supplied weapons were stored. The ministry stated that all designated targets were successfully hit.

Since the start of its offensive war in February 2022, Russia has been using rockets and drones to target Ukraine's energy infrastructure. These attacks result in power outages and energy scarcity. According to Zelenskyy's statements, Ukraine is now producing only half the electricity it did before the war.

The Ukrainian army has reported clashes near Pokrovsk and Torezk, situated in the eastern part of the country within the Donetsk region. Russia appears to be moving substantial forces there and has stepped up its aggression. The Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russia's troops have strengthened their positions in the regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, and Charkiw.

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