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Three arrest warrants after fight with knife

An 18-year-old is seriously injured with a knife. The police are now also investigating an attempted homicide.

A policeman holds a pair of handcuffs.
A policeman holds a pair of handcuffs.

Ostalbkreis - Three arrest warrants after fight with knife

After a violent fight with a knife involvement in Schwaebisch Gmuend (Ostalbkreis), there is a suspicion of an attempted murder case. The police announced on Tuesday that arrest warrants have been issued against three young men. Two weeks ago, a man was severely injured by a knife during a scuffle in the city center.

According to the reports, there was a physical altercation between an 18-year-old and a group. The 18-year-old was able to run away from the similarly aged men initially. However, they reportedly encountered each other again. In the course of the renewed fight, one of the men drew a knife and seriously injured the man. According to the police, there is a suspicion of an attempted murder. The investigations into the background of the crime are reportedly ongoing.

Police statement

  1. The violent altercation that occurred in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, took place in the Ostalbkreis district.
  2. Arrest warrants have been issued by the police in response to the suspected attempted homicide that took place in Schwäbisch Gmünd.
  3. The crime in question involves three young men who were allegedly involved in a fight with a man in Schwäbisch Gmünd, resulting in a serious injury.
  4. The police are currently investigating the background of the crime that occurred in Schwäbisch Gmünd's city center, involving men of similar age.

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