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Thousands of demonstrators gather in Essen for rally against AfD

According to the police, thousands of people gathered in Essen on Saturday morning for a central rally in front of the Gruga Hall, where the AfD's national party conference is taking place. The police did not want to give exact details of the number of demonstrators at first; there were...

Demonstrators in front of the Grugahalle in Essen
Demonstrators in front of the Grugahalle in Essen

Thousands of demonstrators gather in Essen for rally against AfD

According to the police, a total of 31 demonstrations against the AfD have been registered. The first ones took place on Friday evening. Early on Saturday morning, demonstrators attempted to prevent AfD delegates from arriving, as reported by the group Widersetzen. They claimed that 7000 people participated.

The police reported "multiple violent disruptions". Demonstrators had disguised themselves in some cases and attacked police forces. Several people were arrested.

The Essen police had previously stated that "non-peaceful protests, especially disruption blockades aimed at disturbing or preventing the AfD federal party conference", were not covered by the constitutional right to assembly. "Disruptions will be consistently suppressed and criminal acts (resolutely) pursued", it was stated.

The AfD federal party conference began with a delay of approximately half an hour around 10:30 am. "We have the right - like all other political parties - to hold an orderly party conference", said party chairwoman Weidel, looking at the protests. Weidel criticized the demonstrations as undemocratic.

At the two-day federal party conference, Weidel and co-party chair Tino Chrupalla, along with the rest of the federal executive board, presented themselves for re-election to the 600 delegates. In addition, the future orientation of the party in the European Parliament had to be discussed and debated, as well as the upcoming state elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg in September and potential power options there.

  1. Despite the police's warning against disruptive protests, a large rally against the AfD took place at Gruga on Saturday morning, with demonstrators attempting to hinder AfD delegates from reaching the Federal Party Conference.
  2. Reports indicate that during this rally, some demonstrators disguised themselves and physically engaged with the police forces, leading to multiple violent disruptions and several arrests.
  3. This instance of violent protest against the AfD is not a new occurrence; according to the police, at least 31 demonstrations against the AfD have happened since Friday, with demonstrators often dressed in disguise.
  4. As a result of these continuous demonstrations and protests, food deliveries to the AfD Federal Party Conference in Essen were reportedly affected, causing delays and disturbances.

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