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Thousands leave the Catholic Church: Trend declining

The Catholic Church in Hesse is continuing to lose members. For the Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, the Bishop of Limburg Georg Bätzing, this is "alarming".

The Cathedral of St. Salvator in Fulda.
The Cathedral of St. Salvator in Fulda.

Society - Thousands leave the Catholic Church: Trend declining

The number of members in the Catholic Church in Hessen continues to decline. According to the statistics published by the German Bishops' Conference on Thursday in Bonn, 26,324 people left the church in 2023. This brings the number of Catholics living in the state to approximately 1.2 million, which is around 40,000 fewer than the previous year. The statistics include deaths, baptisms, and new members. For comparison, Hessen has around 6.4 million inhabitants. The areas in Hessen belong to the dioceses of Fulda, Limburg, and Mainz.

Nationwide, according to the German Bishops' Conference, 402,694 people left the Catholic Church in the previous year. This is a decrease in total withdrawals.

Here is how the membership development looks in the individual dioceses, which are located in Hessen:

Diocese of Mainz:

According to the Diocese of Mainz, there were approximately 13,500 departures recorded in 2023. "That's a high number," said Bishop Peter Kohlgraf, "but also a significant decrease compared to the peak in 2022." In 2022, it was around 16,600. Many see the church as a problem case. "Without the church, there would be no children and youth who engage so much and show a side of the church that gives courage," emphasized Kohlgraf. The number of Catholic women and men in the diocese was 621,000 in 2023. The Diocese of Mainz covers one-third of Rhineland-Palatinate and two-thirds of Hessen.

Diocese of Limburg:

In the diocese of the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing, around 12,000 people left the church, which is around 3,000 fewer than in 2022. As of December 31, there were approximately 520,000 Catholic women and men living in the diocese, which is around 19,000 fewer than the previous year. "The numbers are alarming," said Bätzing. They show that the church is in a comprehensive crisis. They are an indicator of reality. "We must be honest and recognize developments." The Diocese of Limburg covers parts of Hessen and the northern part of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Diocese of Fulda:

The number of departures from the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Fulda is also decreasing. In the previous year, 6,016 Catholic women and men left the church, compared to 7,502 the previous year. As of December 31, there were 337,712 Catholics living in the diocese. The reasons for the continuing decline, according to the diocese, are multifaceted. The church must take on its tasks and challenges decisively. "This includes the resolute handling and prevention of cases of sexualized violence and power abuse, as well as the development of targeted offers that especially appeal to young people and present the Christian faith as an enriching force in life." The Diocese of Fulda extends from the north hessian Bad Karlshafen to the Frankfurt district of Bergen-Enkheim and from Marburg to Geisa in Thuringia.

  1. Despite the decline in Catholic Church membership in Hesse, Germany, the Dioceses of Fulda, Limburg, and Mainz continue to serve the local population.
  2. The Bishop of Mainz, Peter Kohlgraf, expressed concern over the high number of departures from the Catholic Church in his diocese, but noted a significant decrease from the previous year.
  3. The Diocese of Mainz, covering one-third of Rhineland-Palatinate and two-thirds of Hesse, has seen a decrease in membership to around 621,000 Catholics in 2023.
  4. Concurrently, in the Diocese of Limburg, headed by Bishop Georg Bätzing, the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, around 12,000 people left the church in 2023, which is a decrease of around 3,000 compared to the previous year.
  5. Bishop Bätzing, acknowledging the alarming numbers, referred to the church as being in a comprehensive crisis and emphasized the need for honesty and recognition of developments.
  6. In the Diocese of Fulda, the number of departures from the Catholic Church is decreasing, with 6,016 Catholic women and men leaving in the previous year compared to 7,502 the year before.
  7. The German Bishops' Conference, based in Bonn, released statistics showing a decrease in total withdrawals from the Catholic Church nationwide in the previous year.
  8. The Bishop of Diocese of Limburg, Georg Bätzing, is also a prominent figure in the Catholic Church in Society, participating in various religious and societal events in Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Hesse, promoting religious freedom and understanding.

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