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Thousands demonstrate after irregularities in parliamentary elections in Serbia

One day after the parliamentary elections in Serbia, which according to election observers were overshadowed by irregularities, thousands of people demonstrated in Belgrade against the election process. "Vucic, you thief" and "Vucic, get lost" were shouted by the demonstrators at the protest...

Demonstrators in Belgrade on Monday
Demonstrators in Belgrade on Monday

Thousands demonstrate after irregularities in parliamentary elections in Serbia

An international observer mission consisting of representatives from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the EU Parliament and the European Council reported on Monday a number of"irregularities" during the ballot, including cases of violence, vote buying and the stuffing of ballot boxes with fake ballot papers.

According to the opposition, tens of thousands of residents of the Bosnian Serb republic of Republika Srpska were also brought in on buses to cast their votes illegally in Belgrade.

Vucic had called the new parliamentary elections himself. Since he first took office in 2014 - when he was still Prime Minister - government cabinets in Serbia rarely last until the end of a legislative period. Critics see this as a maneuver to obstruct the opposition.

Read also:

  1. The EU Parliament and OSCE representatives, who observed the parliamentary election in Serbia, identified various "irregularities," such as violence, vote buying, and ballot stuffing.
  2. The opposition in Serbia alleged that thousands of Bosnian Serb residents from Republika Srpska were bused into Belgrade to vote illegally.
  3. Aleksandar Vucic, who has been in power since 2014 (first as Prime Minister), called for the new parliamentary elections, as previous governments in Serbia rarely completed their legislative periods.
  4. Critics argue that Vucic uses the frequent election calls to hinder the opposition and prolong his political control.
  5. Thousands of Serbians took to the streets on Sunday to protest against the reported "irregularities" in the parliamentary elections.
  6. The Serbian Progress Party, led by Vucic, is expected to maintain its dominant position in the new parliament, resulting from the recent election.
  7. EU Parliament members are planning to demonstrate in Brussels next week to express their concern over the alleged election irregularities in Serbia.




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