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Thomas Feist: Representative for Jewish Life in Saxony

On Tuesday, the Saxon cabinet reappointed Thomas Feist as the Commissioner for Jewish Life in Saxony for another five years, with the state association of Jewish communities backing the decision. Feist initially assumed this role in 2019 and serves on a voluntary basis while receiving support...

Thomas Feist (CDU), Representative of the Saxon State Government for Jewish Life.
Thomas Feist (CDU), Representative of the Saxon State Government for Jewish Life.

Community or culture as a whole - Thomas Feist: Representative for Jewish Life in Saxony

Jewish life is a significant aspect of society - it's our history and the present. It's crucial that Jewish people feel comfortable here, and we must all work together to achieve this, stated Culture Minister Christian Piwarz (CDU).

Feist highlighted that in recent years, there has been a positive and reliable collaboration between the Jewish communities and the state of Saxony, along with a strong support system.

The responsibilities of the Commissioner are varied. He serves as the point of contact for Jewish citizens and their communities in Saxony, providing guidance to the government. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of fighting antisemitism. An expert council assists the Commissioner in his work.

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During his tenure, Feist has maintained a close relationship with the Ministry of Culture in Saxony, promoting Jewish heritage and culture. In this regard, Feist organized various events in Dresden, ensuring the inclusion of personal details of Jewish citizens for a more authentic representation.

