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This is the status of the payment card for asylum seekers in MV

The North East had put the planned payment card out to tender across Europe. An unsuccessful provider is now taking legal action against the award. This may take some time.

MV's own solution for the payment card stumbles. An unsuccessful bidder takes legal action against...
MV's own solution for the payment card stumbles. An unsuccessful bidder takes legal action against the award decision.

Asylum - This is the status of the payment card for asylum seekers in MV

The state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is hoping for the introduction of its payment card for asylum seekers in the fall, but it's uncertain if this will work out. According to a Europe-wide tender, a provisional decision on awarding the contract has been made, against which an unsuccessful bidder has protested, the responsible Interior Ministry informed the German Press Agency upon request. Previously, media reported about this.

Duration of the procedure: ongoing

The duration of the review procedure is estimated to be between two to four months. However, Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) admitted: "If the appeal procedure is chosen afterwards, this period – as with any award that is always subject to judicial review – could unfortunately be extended."

Special way in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Bavaria are taking a special approach when it comes to the payment card for asylum seekers and want to introduce their own solutions. However, the conditions should be comparable nationwide. The other federal states had agreed on a joint tender procedure at the end of January. This payment card is expected to start in the summer, as Hessian Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU) said after a minister presidents' conference in June. Asyl seekers should receive only 50 euros in cash per month in the future.

In January, Interior Minister Pegel announced: "First, we will introduce the payment card in the first reception facility of the state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The goal is, however, a statewide and uniform solution for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Therefore, this payment card should also be made available to the districts and free cities." So far, 148 euros have been paid per month per asylum seeker in the first reception facility of the state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The protest against the provisional decision on the awarding of the contract for the payment card for asylum seekers came from an unsuccessful bidder, as reported by the German Press Agency, with the Ministry of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern providing the information.

The payment card for asylum seekers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is set to have a unique approach, as announced by Interior Minister Christian Pegel, aiming for a statewide and uniform solution while maintaining comparable conditions nationwide.

Following an announcement by Interior Minister Pegel in January, the first reception facility in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern will be the initial recipient of the payment card, with the ultimate goal being a statewide solution that also includes districts and free cities.

The state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Bavaria are taking a special approach to the payment card for asylum seekers, aiming to introduce their own solutions while adhering to the nationwide conditions agreed upon by other federal states during the joint tender procedure at the end of January.

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