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Thirteen students from Saxony-Anhalt participate in the Math Olympics.

During the Mathematical Olympiad, students compete at school, district, and national levels. One particularly skilled mathematical prodigy from Saxony-Anhalt will participate in this event.

Two students sit in a classroom during a math Olympiad.
Two students sit in a classroom during a math Olympiad.

Inter-governmental comparison - Thirteen students from Saxony-Anhalt participate in the Math Olympics.

A group of 13 students from Saxony-Anhalt is set to journey to the Federal Round of the Yearly Maths Competition in Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein in the upcoming days. This announcement was made on Saturday in Magdeburg by the Elements organization.

Both genders and a variety of schools in Halle, Wittenberg, and Magdeburg, as well as the boarding institution Landesschule Pforta in years 8 to 12, will be represented by the team.

This year's team will be led by Florian Jäniche, a seasoned participant in the Federal Mathematics Olympiad with previous top-placements. Four students will be taking the competition for the first time to be declared Germany's top young mathematicians.

The tests will be written between Friday and Saturday, with an awards ceremony taking place on Sunday (9th June).

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