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Thin ice in protected coastal areas: Decline expected

In some places, the frost on the Baltic coast is already conjuring up picturesque ice motifs. However, these are likely to disappear again soon.

A sailing ship covered in snow is frozen in ice in the harbor on the Baltic Sea island of
A sailing ship covered in snow is frozen in ice in the harbor on the Baltic Sea island of Poel.

Weather - Thin ice in protected coastal areas: Decline expected

Thanks to frosty temperatures, thin ice is forming along the German Baltic Sea coast, especially in sheltered areas. According to Wednesday's ice report from the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), this affects the ports of Wismar, Greifswald Wieck and Ueckermünde as well as parts of the Peene Current. New ice and thin ice can also be found in other small, protected areas up to the Schlei. New ice in open water can be found in the Bodden near Zingst, for example.

The Baltic Sea Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA) had already warned of possible ice formation last week. Icy waters should only be navigated with suitable vessels.

According to the BSH forecast, a small amount of additional ice will form in the coming days, but mostly only the existing ice will remain. On the outer coast, the water temperatures are still mostly between two and seven degrees, so that ice formation is not yet expected there. Temperatures will rise at the weekend and the ice will slowly disappear.

Ice report Baltic Sea

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