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These health insurance companies will be the cheapest in 2024

Premium check for the new year

If you switch from an expensive health insurance fund to a cheaper one, you can save a lot
If you switch from an expensive health insurance fund to a cheaper one, you can save a lot of

These health insurance companies will be the cheapest in 2024

In the new year, the average additional contribution will be 1.7 percent. However, health insurance companies can also be above or below this value. If your health insurance fund is too expensive, you can switch to a cheaper one. A few health insurance companies have already communicated their additional contributions for 2024.

The average additional contribution in 2024 is 1.7 percent. According to the comparison portal Check24, people with statutory health insurance in Germany will have given away several billion euros in 2023 because they have not changed their health insurance provider. If all those with statutory health insurance had switched to the cheapest nationwide health insurance fund (BKK Firmus) with an additional contribution of 0.9%, they would have saved a total of five billion euros.

According to the portal, nine health insurance companies have so far communicated their additional contributions for 2024. Nine health insurance companies are planning to keep the contribution constant. One health insurance company intends to reduce the supplementary contribution. Nothing is known about a contribution increase so far. However, health insurance companies are not allowed to increase their contribution rates completely unnoticed. They still have to announce this four weeks before adjusting the contribution rate. Consumers should therefore check their health insurance provider's website or member magazine.

Save hundreds of euros by switching

In principle, the health insurance contribution is made up of the general contribution rate of currently 14.6 percent, which is the same for all health insurance funds, and the additional contribution, which is determined individually. Both the general contribution rate and the supplementary contribution are borne equally by employees and employers or pensioners and the pension insurance fund.

However, the supplementary contribution can be higher or lower than this, as each health insurance fund decides on the amount of the contribution individually. This offers insured persons potential savings when switching health insurance providers. Depending on your income, you can often save between 100 and 200 euros per year.

Changing health insurer simplified

It is also good that all health insurance companies are freely selectable. Even if the insured person is already older or currently undergoing treatment. Provided that the health insurance fund is also available in the insured person's federal state. In addition, switching health insurers has been made much easier from 2021: in theory, insured persons can now switch to a cheaper health insurer every year, similar to car insurance. For example, anyone who cancels at the end of January will be in a new health insurance fund on April 1.

If the health insurance company increases the additional premium, there is still a special right of termination at the end of the month in which the higher premium is first charged. If regular notice of termination is given, this takes effect at the end of the month after next. Since January 2021, you are no longer tied to your insurance for 18 months as before, but only for 12 months, so you can theoretically switch every year. Switching has also become much easier: You simply register online with the new insurer and let your new employer know that you want to change insurers.

You do not have to cancel your contract with your old health insurance provider: The new health insurance fund will take care of this electronically. There is no insurance gap when switching.

The following health insurance companies below 1.7 percent additional contribution

  • AOK Baden-Württemberg (not available nationwide) 1.60 percent
  • AOK Bavaria (not available nationwide) 1.58 percent
  • AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven (not eligible nationwide) 1.38 percent
  • BKK Faber-Castell & Partner (not eligible nationwide) 1.10 percent
  • BKK VerbundPlus 1.38 percent
  • Energie-Betriebskrankenkasse 1.59 percent
  • MHplus (not available nationwide) 1.58 percent
  • Handelskrankenkasse (HKK) 0.98 percent
  • Techniker Krankenkasse 1.2 percent

The cheapest nationwide health insurance company open for 2024 so far is HKK with a total contribution of 15.58 percent. BKK Firmus, the cheapest nationwide health insurance company available in the current year, has not yet provided any information on the additional contribution for 2024.

If you switch to a low-cost health insurance provider, please note that you will have to pay tax on slightly more income. This means that part of the savings will fall victim to tax. Those wishing to switch should also check whether the new, cheaper health insurance company also offers all the extra services they want, such as dental cleaning, osteotherapy or homeopathy.

Read also:

  1. If your current health insurance fund is too expensive, you might consider switching to a cheaper one, such as the Handelskrankenkasse (HKK), which has announced an additional contribution of 0.98% for 2024.
  2. As an employee, you contribute equally to the general and additional contribution rates of your health insurance, and switching to a more affordable fund could save you hundreds of euros per year.
  3. In the case of a health insurance company increasing its additional premium, consumers have a special right of termination at the end of the month in which the higher premium is first charged, allowing for a smooth transition to a cheaper option.
  4. Financial advisors can assist consumers in understanding their health insurance options and helping them make an informed decision, ensuring they are not paying more than necessary for their statutory health insurance coverage.




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