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There's Still Time to Cultivate These Ground Cover Plants Prior to Autumn

Inspect your outdoor space carefully; the uncovered soil serves as an invitation for erosion and unwanted plants to thrive.

There's Still Time to Cultivate These Ground Cover Plants Prior to Autumn
There's Still Time to Cultivate These Ground Cover Plants Prior to Autumn

There's Still Time to Cultivate These Ground Cover Plants Prior to Autumn

I spend a lot of time pondering dirt. Most of the time, as I gaze around my yard, I don't notice the shrubs, trees, and blooms as much as I do the dirt beneath them. Exposed dirt signifies two things: erosion and weeds. To combat both issues, ground cover is the best solution.

What is Ground Cover?

Ground cover refers to low-lying, spread-out plants that tightly hug the soil's surface and are usually self-seeding and highly resilient. In every climate, there are native ground covers, and the best way to discover them is to contact your local nursery. As we approach autumn, it might seem too late to think about ground cover, but there are still a few fast-growing options that will have time to establish before winter's chill sets in.

It's essential to understand that the world of ground covers is vast, encompassing various mosses, herbs, and spillers. However, this text concentrates on the following fast-growing ground covers because of their swift growth.


I am a big fan of clover. Apart from the perennial white clover, which is easy to seed and highly resilient, you can add various colored clovers, such as red, strawberry, and purple, to your soil through top-dressing. These clovers will spread on their own, and while you can mow them for a uniform look, you don't have to. Clover blooms beautifully and sets seeds, initiating the cycle again.

Creeping Thyme

Thyme is another love of mine, and this perennial, flowering thyme variety, which forms clumps and even spills over edges, is perfect for your garden. In spring, flowers will attract pollinators, and creeping thyme comes in an array of dazzling colors. Part of the charm of this herb is its tolerance of drought and its preference for well-drained soil, making it suitable for rock walls, too.

Creeping Phlox

Phlox is an excellent option for someone who desires color and flower blooms instead of greenery. This version of phlox grows relatively quickly and provides pink flowers in the spring, but the plant is evergreen, meaning you'll have leaves throughout the winter. Phlox prefers sun, but moderate temperatures are best. The good thing about phlox is that it forms a dense mat that severely hinders weed growth.


If you want to focus on flowers, Candytuft is an excellent choice. As the name suggests, its large blooms are like soft, white clouds of petals. Plant candytuft in partial sun areas; direct sun can burn it. Ground covers like candytuft and phlox make a lovely accent along walkways or around beds.

Creeping Jenny

If you wish to move away from flowers for a bold, vibrant electric green, Creeping Jenny is worth considering. Yes, it's a "creeper" but also a "spiller." Pay attention to your soil, as this plant prefers moisture but not clay soil. It thrives in partial shady spots with drainage and loves rock walls or pathways. Consider Creeping Jenny around a water feature.


Another non-flowering plant you'll grow mostly for shape and color (a bright leafy green), Dichondra grows rapidly and will never exceed four inches in height. It creates a rich carpet but spreads quickly, so be prepared to monitor your plants. Dichondra loves sunlight, so full sunlight is ideal, and it demands exceptional drainage.

Creeping Juniper

I've added Creeping Juniper as a fun bonus. Remember, it's juniper—basically a fir—so cultivating the creeping variety is like growing a mini Christmas tree on the ground. It's evergreen, which you'll appreciate during winter when your yard is bare. Another advantage of Creeping Juniper is its indifferent nature: It doesn't care where you plant it or what type of soil you plant it in.

After learning about various fast-growing ground covers, I decided to incorporate some into my home's yard. The Fast Growing Ground Covers I chose include Clover, which blooms beautifully and sets seeds, and Dichondra, a bright green non-flowering plant that creates a rich carpet. At home, I planted both types to enhance the appearance of my dirt and combat weed growth.

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