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"There was a crash": Weidel admits problems in the EU election campaign at party conference

At the start of the AfD's national party conference, party leader Alice Weidel admitted problems with the European election campaign. "There were bumps and bruises," Weidel told delegates in the Gruga Hall in Essen on Saturday. Nevertheless, the AfD had achieved an "excellent result". Weidel...

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla at the party conference
Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla at the party conference

"There was a crash": Weidel admits problems in the EU election campaign at party conference

This distancing caused dissatisfaction among parts of the base. "In such situations, the training staff is requested", said Weidel. "It might be necessary to make tactical substitutions." In difficult situations, it could be "better to temporarily remove someone from the field".

Weidel appealed to the delegates in favor of approving the AfD's withdrawal from the right-wing European party ID. The Bundesvorstand had unanimously decided on this matter. Since the ID-Fraction in the European Parliament had excluded the AfD representatives, the party should now "consistently" leave the ID-Party, said Weidel. The ID-Fraction had justified the exclusion of the AfD, among other things, due to radical statements from AfD-Chairman Tino Krah.

The AfD is currently "on a very good way" to form a new faction in the European Parliament, said Weidel. For this, the AfD demands "respectful treatment on eye level", they want to represent the interests of Germany "above all" in Brussels, and they want to clarify that Ukraine does not belong to the EU.

The goal of the AfD is that "our people's wealth is not thrown out of the window for the Leyens and Melonis", said Weidel with a look at EU-Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) and Italy's post-fascist Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

  1. Weidel discussed the potential need for tactical substitutions during the Party conference, highlighting that "in such situations, the training staff is requested."
  2. The AfD is aiming to form a new faction in the European Parliament, as stated by Alice Weidel, who believes that this would allow them to "represent the interests of Germany 'above all' in Brussels."
  3. Maximilian Krah, the AfD chairman, has been criticized for his radical statements, which was one of the reasons given by the ID-Fraction for excluding the AfD representatives from their party.
  4. The ID-Fraction's exclusion of the AfD representatives has been a source of problems for the party, leading Weidel to call for a consistent withdrawal from the ID-Party.
  5. According to Weidel, the current EU election campaign has seen the AfD "on a very good way" to form a new faction in the European Parliament.
  6. Weidel criticized the EU and specifically EU-Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) and Italy's post-fascist Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, stating that the goal of the AfD is to prevent their people's wealth from being "thrown out of the window" for the Leyens and Melonis.
  7. During the Federal Party Conference, Weidel advocated for the AfD's withdrawal from the right-wing European party ID, citing the ID-Fraction's exclusion of the AfD representatives as a major issue.

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