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There are 18,000 tons of salt on the freeways

From the perspective of the northern branch of Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, the winter service on the freeways in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and northern Lower Saxony has made a good start to the winter. "We are very well prepared for the 2023/24 winter season," said Carsten Butenschön, Director...

Vehicles drive stop-and-go on a highway during snowfall.
Vehicles drive stop-and-go on a highway during snowfall.

Winter service - There are 18,000 tons of salt on the freeways

From the perspective of the northern branch of Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, the winter service on the freeways in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and northern Lower Saxony has made a good start to the winter. "We are very well prepared for the 2023/24 winter season," said Carsten Butenschön, Director of the northern branch of Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, in Hamburg on Thursday. The first real operations and several preventive operations have just been carried out. The employees at the maintenance depots are highly motivated to keep the roads available for road users in icy, snowy and slippery conditions.

In total, there are 227 employees and 61 of the company's own vehicles as well as 42 vehicles from subcontractors. According to the information, they are responsible for 1221 kilometers of freeway and 165 junctions in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and northern Lower Saxony.

In the 2022/23 winter season, around 15,000 tons of road salt and 4,750 tons of brine were required. For the current season, 18,000 tons of salt were stored. A further 23,750 tons have been contractually reserved as a precautionary measure in case the stored quantities are not sufficient, as the northern branch also announced.

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