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Theft of construction machinery: Two suspects arrested

A gang is said to have stolen semi-trailers and construction machinery in three federal states. The damage amounts to over 300,000 euros. Two suspects have now been caught in Hesse.

A police car drives through a city.
A police car drives through a city.

Rostock - Theft of construction machinery: Two suspects arrested

In a nationwide manhunt for an alleged theft gang, two suspects have been arrested in Hessen. Warrants for their arrest were issued on a Wednesday, and they are now in custody, as the Rostock police announced on a Friday. The men, aged 44 and 36, were taken into custody on a Tuesday.

The State Prosecutor's Office in Stralsund and the Criminal Police Inspection Rostock have been investigating the group since November 2023. The group is said to specialize in the theft of saddle tanks and high-end construction machinery. The group is accused of more than ten offenses in Hessen, Lower Saxony, and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with a total damage of around 310,000 Euro. The investigations are ongoing.

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The gang of thieves, under investigation by the State Prosecutor's Office in Stralsund and the Criminal Police Inspection Rostock, is suspected of carrying out over ten thefts in Hessen, Lower Saxony, and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The alleged specialists in stealing saddle tanks and high-end construction machinery have caused damages estimated to be around 310,000 Euro. The arrest of two members of this gang took place in Hesse. The Rostock police apprehended the 44-year-old and 36-year-old suspects on a Tuesday and announced their arrest on a Friday.

The gang's criminal activities have also reached the borders of Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, causing significant damages. The ongoing investigations will likely lead to further arrests of the gang members and provide closure for the affected areas in these three states. The construction machine industry may also be able to implement more robust security measures to protect their assets from such organized crime networks.

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