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The word of the year in Low German for 2024 is selected.

In 2023, "Brägenplietschmaschin" won an award as a standout expression. The successors of this phrase will be revealed on Saturday at Stavenhagen Castle. This is the first time the audience has had a chance to vote for their favorite phrase.

A sign with the inscription "Nordfriesland" and the Frisian variant "Nordfraschlönj" stands on the...
A sign with the inscription "Nordfriesland" and the Frisian variant "Nordfraschlönj" stands on the border road.

Adapt to different linguistic styles while maintaining original meaning. Change the words and sentence structure while preserving the intended message. - The word of the year in Low German for 2024 is selected.

This Saturday (at 10:00 am), the Low German Word of the Year for 2024 will be revealed at Schloss Stavenhagen. There are actually three prizes: the most attractive Low German word, the people's favorite expression, and the most innovative new creation. The public selected the best new creation for the first time in this category. The selection panel had over 180 submissions to choose from, according to the event organizers.

Even kids are participating, with the youngest submitter being only four years old. Low German is considered its own unique language and is widely spoken in the north. In recent years, efforts have been made to teach it to children and teenagers. There are programs for kindergartens and primary schools, and it can even be studied as a subject in some high schools.

The best expression in Low German last year was "Brägenplietschmaschin," meaning "Artificial Intelligence." This term combines Low German words for brain, smart, and machine. The winning phrase among the beautiful sayings or proverbs was "Leiwer drög Brot in’n Fräden, as Kauken un Braden in Striet," which translates to "Rather dry bread in peace than cakes and roasts in strife." The Low German Word of the Year competition by the Fritz-Reuter Literature Museum and the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Homeland Association has been running since 1995.

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The Low German Word of the Year competition is not limited to adults, as young participants fromplaces like Rostock in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, such as the four-year-old with a submission, can also participate. Customs officials in Germany often encounter unique linguistic challenges, as they need to adapt to the various dialects and languages spoken in different regions of the country, including Low German.

