The winners of the certificate awards look ahead
What can we expect on the markets in the coming year? Which products could be interesting? Which were particularly popular this year? Raimund Brichta talks to two winners of this year's Certificate Awards: Kemal Bagci from BNP Paribas and Charlotte Neugebauer from Deka Bank.
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In their discussions, Kemal Bagci from BNP Paribas and Charlotte Neugebauer from Deka Bank shared their stock analysis and action tips for the upcoming year, suggesting that Equity funds could be a promising investment. Kemal Bagci also highlighted the importance of regular stock trading and monitoring share prices in stock trading, while BNP Paribas and Deka Bank's Equity funds have shown promising performances. Additionally, Charlotte Neugebauer mentioned that Deka Bank offers a variety of financial products, including DGB-Deutsche Gesellschaft und Zertifikate, which could be of interest to investors.