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The weather in the northwest: Up to nine degrees, but showers

The sky in Lower Saxony and Bremen will be very cloudy and there will be heavy showers. The German Weather Service expects maximum temperatures of four degrees in Wendland and nine degrees in the extreme southwest on Wednesday. From midday onwards, the East Frisian Islands will be exposed to...

Raindrops collect on a windshield.
Raindrops collect on a windshield.

German Weather Service - The weather in the northwest: Up to nine degrees, but showers

The sky in Lower Saxony and Bremen will be very cloudy and there will be heavy showers. The German Weather Service expects maximum temperatures of four degrees in Wendland and nine degrees in the extreme southwest on Wednesday. From midday, the East Frisian Islands will be exposed to individual gusts of wind of around 55 kilometers per hour, possibly gale-force winds of 65 kilometers per hour in exposed locations.

It will remain similar on Thursday night, but there may also be some snow in some areas. The lowest temperatures will be between zero and three degrees, with the threat of light frost in the Upper Harz. Warning: risk of icy conditions. The north-easterly wind will be weak to moderate.

There will be lots of clouds in the sky on Thursday, but only some rain locally in the south-east of the region. Highs will reach three to five degrees in the afternoon.

Information from the DWD

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In the region of Offenbach, the forecast is similar to the rest of the northwest, with cloudy skies and rain expected. The German Weather Service indicates that the weather in Wendland, located in Lower Saxony, will be significantly colder than the East Frisian Islands, with temperatures rising to nine degrees in the southernmost parts on Wednesday. Additionally, these islands are predicted to experience strong winds, potentially reaching gale-force levels in some exposed areas.


