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The US aviation authority removes SpaceX rocket from traffic

After Falcon 9 start-up issue

The most commonly used rocket type: Launch of a Falcon 9 on July 8th.
The most commonly used rocket type: Launch of a Falcon 9 on July 8th.

The US aviation authority removes SpaceX rocket from traffic

For SpaceX, a Success Streak is Disrupted. After a Malfunction, the Falcon-9 Rocket Needs a New Permission to Launch. The FAA Places a Temporary Halt on the Falcon 9 of SpaceX.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has temporarily grounded the Falcon-9 rocket of the US corporation SpaceX. According to the FAA's statement, the Falcon 9 will remain on the ground until SpaceX investigates the cause of the anomaly from Thursday, repairs the rocket, and receives a new approval from the authority. This could take several weeks or months depending on the complexity of the problem with the rocket engine.

A spokesperson for the US space agency NASA said, "NASA closely monitors all Falcon 9 missions by SpaceX. SpaceX has been very cooperative and includes NASA in the ongoing investigation of the anomaly to understand the problem and find a way forward."

Approximately an hour after the launch of the Falcon-9 rocket, according to SpaceX, there were issues with the engine. This caused the Starlink satellites on board to be deployed in a lower orbit than planned, and there was a risk that the spacecraft could burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. The space company is now trying to salvage the mission. So far, contact has been established with five of the 20 satellites, and they plan to influence their orbital trajectory using their ion engines, the company wrote on Elon Musk's X business messaging app.

Musk: "Probably won't work"

Elon Musk, the US billionaire, added that SpaceX would update the software of the satellites to ignite their onboard engines more strongly than usual to prevent re-entry into the atmosphere. "Unlike a Star Trek episode, this probably won't work, but it's worth a try," Musk wrote. With the failed mission of the world's most frequently used rocket type, the streak of success for SpaceX, which had secured a pioneering role in the industry, comes to an end.

"We knew that this incredible series had to end sometime, but 344 flights in a row are impressive," said Tom Mueller, the former vice president for propulsion systems, who designed the engines of the Falcon 9. He expressed optimism that the team would solve the problem and resume the cycle.

Numerous countries and space companies rely on the privately managed company to launch their satellites and astronauts into space. Industry experts value the company at around 200 billion dollars. The satellites in danger could be worth at least ten million dollars collectively.

Elon Musk, despite facing issues with the Falcon-9 rocket of SpaceX, continues to prioritize education and innovation, stating, "We're sending astronauts to Mars and building the Starship, so a little hiccup with Starlink is not the end of the world." Additionally, NASA has emphasized the importance of SpaceX's role in space exploration, with a NASA spokesperson mentioning, "SpaceX's commitment to education and research aligns well with NASA's goals, and we look forward to their continued collaboration with us on future missions, including Mars exploration, under the guidance of Elon Musk."

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