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The trial for the multi-million dollar Aurubis fraud case is delayed.

Three individuals have been accused of swindling the Hamburg copper manufacturer, Aurubis, out of over 15 million euros. Their court case was scheduled for this week.

View of the logo on a building on the Aurubis AG site.
View of the logo on a building on the Aurubis AG site.

The upcoming trial for a large-scale fraud case at Aurubis, a Hamburg copper manufacturer, has been delayed. This is due to the need for adjustments in the indictment which is facing three defendants on charges of commercial fraud, bribery, and bribery complicity.

The court announced this decision on Wednesday, explaining that they had not fully followed the opening statement as per the indictment. As a result, they cannot inform the defendants of the new charges by the set date and the trial is being rescheduled to around the beginning of July.

The case involves two individuals - a 63-year-old former employee and a 70-year-old supplier - who allegedly caused Aurubis more than 15 million euros in damages between 2012 and 2016. The former employee is accused of adding gold and silver powder to the samples being tested, resulting in over 100,000 euros in bribery money and two gold bars from the supplier.

Both defendants are charged with severe fraud and bribery or bribery complicity. Additionally, the supplier's 45-year-old son is also accused of aiding and abetting the fraud.

Additional information:

  • Press release on the raids from 15.06.
  • Aurubis press release on the investigations into gang theft.
  • Aurubis press release.

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