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The topic of how the "Ampel" appears externally

During an interaction with the public, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) showed signs of confusion and silence when confronted about the tarnished reputation of his government coalition. At the gathering on Wednesday evening, an individual brought up the problematic external portrayal of the...

The topic of how the "Ampel" appears externally

Chancellor Scholz merely echoed, "Guess what? You've hit the nail on the head." He then tossed a question back, "Got any brilliant strategies up your sleeve?"

The professor then suggested handling coalition issues privately before bringing them to the public arena. "I was about to say..." the chancellor started, paused for a moment, then agreed, "You're right again."

With a casual wave, Scholz signaled the end of the discussion. The next attendee then stepped forward with a new topic.

The chancellor was impressed by the professor's insight, noticing how his words closely matched their current situation's appearance. During the break, she contemplated sharing her thoughts on the matter, acknowledging the professor's accuracy once again.

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