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The theme of destruction of schools even during the holidays

Broken chairs, painted walls, and shattered windows: Property damage at schools is increasing again in the country after the pandemic, even during school holidays.

Schools are again frequently reporting property damage after the pandemic.
Schools are again frequently reporting property damage after the pandemic.

- The theme of destruction of schools even during the holidays

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, cases of vandalism** at Brandenburg schools increased last year. According to police crime statistics, a total of 552 cases of vandalism at schools were recorded in 2023, a spokesperson for the police said. In the previous year, there were 533. The damages affected the schools, schoolyards, or associated buildings like gyms, the spokesperson explained.

Vandalism is not just a problem during regular school hours. Incidents also occur during holidays. In July and August last year, a total of 87 cases of vandalism were recorded at Brandenburg schools. However, compared to the whole year, there was no significant increase in vandalism during the summer holidays, the police spokesperson emphasized.

The clearance rate is relatively low, according to the police. Last year, a suspect could be identified in about one in four cases of vandalism. Most of the suspected perpetrators were between 14 and 18 years old. Only five suspects were 21 years or older. Last year, regional hotspots were in Oranienburg with 37 recorded cases of school vandalism and in Frankfurt (Oder) with 36 cases.

Vandalism at Brandenburg schools seemed to be influenced by the Coronavirus pandemic, as the number of incidents increased significantly last year compared to the previous one. Despite the higher number of cases, there was no significant increase in vandalism during the summer holidays.

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