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The synagogue "Mishkan Shalom" in Kiel is officially opened.

After 86 years since the destruction of Jewish religious sites by the National Socialists, Kiel gets a new synagogue. The inauguration takes place as anti-Semitic occurrences rise in frequency.

Light shines from two windows of the Jewish synagogue in Waitzstraße.
Light shines from two windows of the Jewish synagogue in Waitzstraße.

Belief Systems - The synagogue "Mishkan Shalom" in Kiel is officially opened.

Recently, the "Mishkan Shalom" synagogue was grandly opened in Kiel. Attendees, ranging from representatives of religious communities to state politicians, came together for this momentous occasion. During the ceremony, Bishop Kristina Kühnbaum-Schmidt expressed her joy over this prototype of a synagogue and community center in the city's core. "It's gratifying to see your dream of a synagogue and community center in the heart of the city finally brought to life," she remarked.

This new synagogue will serve not only as a location for worship but also for learning and teaching. Aside from being an auspicious event for Kiel's Jewish community, the launch of the synagogue and community center signifies an achievement for the North Church as well. Bishop Kühnbaum-Schmidt praised, "The visible public presence of Jewish life in Germany is a cause for great joy."

Walter J. Pannbacker, chairman of Kiel's Jewish community also addressed the attendees. "The inauguration of this synagogue marks the moment when we finally have a fixed, welcoming place to be actively involved in Kiel's vibrant city life," he expressed.

Prien: Jews as part of Schleswig-Holstein's society

Education Minister Karin Prien (CDU) underscored the gravity of the situation, as global anti-Semitic sentiments and crimes continue to escalate. "This joint signal sends a clear message: Jews, their lives, culture, and religion are an integral part of German and Schleswig-Holstein society. They deserve to be at the core of our urban society."

State Parliament President, Kristina Herbst, echoed a similar sentiment, affirming that Jewish life is inseparable from Schleswig-Holstein and Germany in general. With anti-Semitic attitudes reaching record-breaking highs, she asserted the need for more action than just words. "Radical right, left, and Islamist extremists openly question the right of the Jewish people to exist, be it in Israel or Germany. This is incomprehensible and unacceptable, demanding more than mere verbal protest."

Herbst also emphasized the importance of dispelling misconceptions about Jewish life, stating, "The Jewish community in Kiel has made it their mission to pique people's interest in Jewish life, engaging them in a low-pressure, understanding, and warm manner."

An important milestone for the Jewish community

The inauguration of the first discernible synagogue in Kiel since the destruction of the old one during the pogrom night and the obliteration of Jewish life under National Socialism serves as a significant event for the Jewish community. It has been 20 years since the community's inception.

Two Jewish associations operate in Schleswig-Holstein: the State Association of Jewish Communities of Schleswig-Holstein, comprising the Jewish Community of Kiel, and the Jewish Community of Schleswig-Holstein itself.

State Association of Jewish Communities of Schleswig-Holstein [2002]:

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