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The state must provide additional funds to University Hospital.

The government intends to expand the university hospital's credit limit by 600 million euros, which necessitates the consent of the legislature.

The initials "UKSH" of the University Hospital in Kiel are displayed on an illuminated sign.
The initials "UKSH" of the University Hospital in Kiel are displayed on an illuminated sign.

Money Matters - The state must provide additional funds to University Hospital.

Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital (UKSH) is seeking financial support from the government. According to a spokesperson for the Finance Ministry, the government plans to seek approval from the parliament to boost the hospital's credit limit to 2.25 billion euros. This move is expected to help the hospital implement planned investments at its two locations in Kiel and Lübeck.

In January 2023, the state had already assumed 202 million euros in old debt from the hospital. By the end of 2027, an additional 139 million euros are expected to be added. Prior to this, the "Kieler Nachrichten" had reported on the hospital's financial struggles.

The overall credit limit for the institution was increased to 1.65 billion euros in 2019. At that time, an increase was originally scheduled for 2021, according to the spokesperson. "The increased credit requirement is due to the fact that the financial situation of the UKSH has developed differently than expected," she added.

Like other hospitals, UKSH faces significant challenges due to rising costs. Factors contributing to these higher costs include high energy prices, increasing product shortages, and significant wage increases. Moreover, the hospital has additional investment needs that are not part of the Future Pact and will be financed independently.

A self-sustaining hospital management is only possible if, in conjunction with the hospital reform, more favorable conditions are negotiated for university hospitals, the spokesperson suggested. Additionally, the hospital had financially funded its buildings in the past, which was primarily a responsibility of the state. The 2014 OPP model (public-private partnership) has brought about some improvements, however.

Read also:

  1. The state government of Schleswig-Holstein is considering a cash injection to support the University Hospital Lübeck (UKSH) due to its financial challenges.
  2. The government plans to ask the parliament for approval to increase UKSH's credit limit to 2.25 billion euros to fund planned investments.
  3. This additional funding is crucial as the hospital is already burdened with old debt and is expecting an additional 139 million euros by 2027.
  4. The UKSH is seeking financial support from the government to overcome rising costs, including high energy prices, product shortages, and significant wage increases, as well as to finance independent investment needs.


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