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The state government doesn't serve as a prime example for electromobility.

"Hessian ministers' company car fleet switches from e-cars to ones with a limited range; disapproval from the Climate Council."

A symbol marks a parking lot with a public charging station for electric cars at a shopping center.
A symbol marks a parking lot with a public charging station for electric cars at a shopping center.

Council on Climate Change - The state government doesn't serve as a prime example for electromobility.

The ministerial vehicles of the Hessian state's government showcase a decrease in the usage of electric cars following the shift from black-green to black-red. For instance, Kaweh Mansoori (SPD) went from the fully electric Mercedes of his former green counterpart, Tarek Al-Wazir, to an Audi A8 Hybrid when he took the reins. Other cabinet members have also considered or made the switch. The "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" provided the initial report on this topic. Typically, ministerial vehicles are leased cars.

The Scientific Climate Advisory Council in Hessen frowned upon the shift from electric cars to hybrid automobiles, with their chair, Professor Sven Linow, explicating, "This is a step back in climate protection. Hessen is failing to meet its intended model role."

The Economic Ministry argued that electric cars currently have a limited driving range. However, the charging time can vary significantly depending on the charging station. As a result, the drivers of these vehicles have taken to charging them during their breaks and after standard working hours recently, intending to cover the considerable distances.

Timon Gremmels (SPD), the Culture Minister, uses an Audi A8 60 TSFI e quattro Plugin Hybrid, according to his spokesperson, despite the availability of his predecessor Angela Dorn's (Greens) fully electric Mercedes-Benz EQE 500 4Matic when he assumed office. The spokesman offered various factors leading to the switch to the new powertrain, one being the minister's residence in North Hesse.

Read also:

  1. Despite criticism from the Scientific Climate Advisory Council, led by Professor Sven Linow, the Hessian state government's shift from fully electric cars to hybrid vehicles in ministerial vehicles persists.
  2. Tarek Al-Wazir, now a federal minister, previously used an electric Mercedes during his time in the Hessian state government's green cabinet, but his successor, Kaweh Mansoori (SPD), opted for an Audi A8 Hybrid instead.
  3. The FAZ reported on this tendency towards hybrid vehicles within the Hessian state government, highlighting a potential contrast with the rhetoric on electromobility.
  4. Mercedes-Benz and Audi are two prominent automobile manufacturers whose vehicles have been chosen by Hessian cabinet members, reflecting broader trends in car preferences.
  5. The Environment Ministry under Al-Wazir had championed electromobility, yet the state government's vehicle choices have not always aligned with this policy stance.
  6. Tarek Al-Wazir, currently a federal minister, was once advocating for electromobility in his role within the Hessian state government, yet his successor's choice of a hybrid vehicle suggests a different emphasis on climate and environment-friendly transport.



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