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The Startchancen program for hotspot schools is signed by both federal and state officials.

Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) and President of the Conference of Education Ministers, Saarland Education Minister Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD), will sign the contracts for the Startchancen program in Berlin on Tuesday at noon. A 12:15 p.m. press conference will follow,...

School in Berlin
School in Berlin

The Startchancen program for hotspot schools is signed by both federal and state officials.

Approximately 4,000 schools with a high percentage of students from underprivileged backgrounds will receive support through this program. These schools will receive funds for improving their facilities and acquiring better resources. The project is set to kick off during the 2024/2025 school year. The German federal government is contributing one billion euros annually to this educational initiative, while the states are also pitching in equally.

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