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The SPD criticizes Touré's plan for integration.

The SPD urges Integration Minister Touré to develop a comprehensive plan for the integration and involvement of refugees, as no agreement has been reached and only ideas currently exist. A crucial aspect hasn't been established.

Aminata Touré (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister for Integration, speaks during a session of the...
Aminata Touré (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister for Integration, speaks during a session of the state parliament.

Desire for a comprehensive ideology. - The SPD criticizes Touré's plan for integration.

The SPD has requested a complete plan for incorporating migrant women and men in Schleswig-Holstein from Integration Minister Aminata Touré (Greens). The draft of the state's integration strategy that Touré presented to them was just an examination of the current status and not a well-thought-out strategy, according to Landtag faction leader Serpil Midyatli. "There's no comprehensive strategy, no future vision," she said to the German Press Agency. "The Minister hasn't even touched upon the funding aspect."

Touré had shared the draft of a state strategy for the integration and engagement of refugees on Wednesday. She mentioned the creation of over 50 new short- and long-term measures. "The integration strategy draft shows that we already have effective structures that we're going to enhance further, and more so support municipalities in their integration efforts," she stated in a ministry press release. In October, the state government, regional associations of municipalities, and municipalities concurred to develop a joint strategy for integration.

Midyatli highlighted the irony that this compilation of ideas took several months, and that her request in May didn't seem to have been considered seriously. "This is a significant letdown following the communal letter and the state government summit last year, where Minister Touré declared the strategy," she added. Touré needs to gather diverse perspectives and come up with a conclusive overall roadmap for the future.

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The SPD believes that Touré's integration plan lacks a comprehensive strategy for migrants in Schleswig-Holstein, critiquing the draft as insufficient and lacking a future vision. Serpil Midyatli expressed her concerns to the German Press Agency, emphasizing the lack of funding considerations in the plan. Aminata Touré presented a draft of a state strategy for integrating refugees, which included over 50 new measures and emphasized the enhancement of existing integration structures. However, Midyatli was disappointed by the delay in considering her request for a comprehensive plan and the seemingly unsought diverse perspectives. In the future, Touré should aim to create a conclusive overall roadmap for integration, incorporating insights from various stakeholders. The overall concept of integration for migrants and refugees remains a crucial topic for discussion and action in Schleswig-Holstein.

