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The Social Democratic Party (SPD) condemns Touré's approach to integration.

The SPD is urging Integration Minister Touré to develop an all-encompassing strategy for refugee integration and participation, as there is currently no consensus or plan. A primary aspect is yet to be determined.

Aminata Touré (Alliance90/Greens)
Aminata Touré (Alliance90/Greens)

Relocation of Population - The Social Democratic Party (SPD) condemns Touré's approach to integration.

Serpil Midyatli, the leader of the SPD faction in Schleswig-Holstein's parliament, has criticized Integration Minister Aminata Touré (Greens) for not presenting a substantial plan to integrate migrant women and men in the region. Midyatli told the German Press Agency that the draft of the state integration strategy shared by Touré was just a status report with no overall plan or future concept. She also noted that no financing information was provided.

Touré had recently unveiled a draft of a state plan for the integration and participation of refugees, including over 50 new short- and long-term measures. She stated that the strategy aims to build upon existing structures and provide stronger support to local authorities with integration work. In October, the state government, regional associations of municipalities, and municipalities had agreed to collaborate in developing a unified strategy for integration.

Midyatli expressed regret that such an extensive collection of ideas took so long to come together and criticized the lack of concrete details in response to her request for more content in May. Disappointingly, no agreement was reached on this matter, and the absence of a consensus is especially frustrating given that consensus was previously achieved in matters like kindergartens. Therefore, Touré must now rectify the situation and present a comprehensive plan for future integration.

Read also:

  1. Despite the SPD's criticism, Aminata Touré continues to advocate for the integration of refugees, proposing a future concept that includes over 50 new measures.
  2. Serpil Midyatli, a prominent figure in Schleswig-Holstein's parliament, has raised concerns about the lack of a comprehensive plan in Touré's draft, calling for more details and financing information.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that the integration of migrants, a contentious issue, has been at the center of debates within the regional government and municipalities.
  4. Aminata Touré, the Greens' Integration Minister, has expressed her commitment to strengthening local authorities' integration efforts and building upon existing structures.
  5. The SPD's position on the future of refugee integration remains critical, with leaders like Midyatli urging Touré to present a substantial plan to ensure the successful integration of migrants in Schleswig-Holstein.

