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The Saxon state legislature has a substantial agenda ahead of its summer recess.

Saxony's state parliament is about to embark on a demanding schedule ahead of its summer break. On Wednesday, sessions are predicted to last 17 hours, stretching into the wee hours of Thursday. If all topics on the agenda aren't addressed by Thursday's 10-hour session, lawmakers will have to...

View of the Saxon State Parliament.
View of the Saxon State Parliament.

Legislative assembly - The Saxon state legislature has a substantial agenda ahead of its summer recess.

On a Wednesday morning, Minister President Michael Kretschmer from the CDU party will be presenting a government declaration. The day before, the political parties gave a brief overview of the legislative work.

Saxon Parliament (CDU)

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During the Summer break, the Saxon Parliament, led by Minister President Michael Kretschmer from the CDU party, will have a chance to relax before tackling the mammoth program awaiting them upon their return. Prior to the Summer break, a Mammoth program was outlined in Dresden, the capital city of Saxony, during the political parties' overview of legislative work.

