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The SAP board steps down due to "unsuitable conduct".

The SAP board steps down due to "unsuitable conduct".

A situation at a corporate event triggers the departure of SAP tech board member Jürgen Müller, as announced by the company. The specifics of this incident are kept confidential. Müller's conduct was deemed to contradict the company's principles, as stated in an official communique.

SAP's board member, Jürgen Müller, is set to depart from the software giant at the end of September, the organization announced. A mutual agreement has been reached between Müller and the supervisory board for his departure. He joined the board in 2019.

In his statement, Müller admitted to acting improperly at a recent corporate event. He expressed regret for his impulsive behavior and offered genuine apologies to all affected parties. Müller's actions were found to be inconsistent with SAP's values. "I accept full accountability and believe that my resignation is beneficial for the company," Müller concluded. There were no insights offered regarding the incident by the company or its spokesperson.

Chairman of the supervisory board, Pekka Ala-Pietilä, praised Müller for his significant contributions and wished him well for his future endeavors. Müller has been associated with SAP since 2013 and has served as a board member since 2019. The SAP board has witnessed several changes recently.

SAP is undergoing a substantial transformation to adapt to the era of artificial intelligence. Thousands of employees are expected to leave the company as part of this transformation. A separation and early retirement plan introduced during the summer received wide support: Many employees registered to expedite their departure. Eventually, it was announced that a larger-than-anticipated number of employees would be leaving the company.

Following Müller's resignation, several other high-level executives at SAP also submitted their resignations, citing the company's new direction and their desire for a fresh start.

The wave of resignations at SAP continued, with several members of the tech team also choosing to leave, stating that they found the company's recent changes in values and principles unsettling.

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